we are
Welfare Trust Pakistan.

Helping the poor by eliminating poverty, ignorance, starvation, infirmity and malnutrition.


The RWT is fully aware of its responsibilities towards the poor by working together with other institutions engaged in the work of Poverty alleviation and developing coordinated strategies. Rehmani Welfare Trust (RWT) has been working as an "NGO" since long. It is registered with Central Board of Revenue (CBR) since 2007. The main objective of this organization is to help the people to gain the resources for their productive self-employment and to encourage them to fight against poverty by enhancing their education. The organization will motivate these people to stand united against poverty, ignorance and oppression.

Rehmani Welfare Trust Pakistan will be a nonprofit organization as is vivid from the mission statement. All activities will be based on the concept of welfare of the people. The funds will be generated through various activities and will be spent on provision of services mentioned in the Mission Statement.


The theme to unite will be mutual help. People from various walks of life will sit together and offer their services for the welfare of their fellow brethren, free of cost. It will fasten them in a strong bond of love. This bond will be developed in a formal organization to serve the humanity in the areas of Education, Health and Micro Financing; the organizations will fight against all kinds of social exploitation and oppressions.

First of all, an organization at District level (Top to down approach) will be formed with the help of local community (These selected people will be given a chance to elect their own leaders. There will not be any involvement, whatsoever of Central Body in selection of District Team ignoring the locals.). This organization will be asked to organize similar organizations at Tehsil and Town level. These Tehsil and Town organizations will form units at Union Council level. If required these Union Council Organizations will spread this process of formation of units up to block level leaving no person untouched.


Our work is reflection of our values. Our "Blueprint for Excellence" encapsulates our shared values, which guide our actions and our attitudes. In our relationships and dealings, we keep these values in the forefront of our minds:

✓ Unity is our strength
✓ Mutual help is the path to achieve this goal
✓ Charity begins at home
✓ Integrity & Trust are Cornerstones
✓ Goals can be Achieved by Teamwork
✓ Teamwork Requires Collaboration
✓ Accountability to Self and Others is Key
✓ Continuous Improvement is Learning
✓ No compromise on transparency
✓ Attract the others by your character


The aim of Rehmani Welfare Trust (RWT), as outlined in the mission statement, is to unite the Rehmani Brethren living in various parts of the world especially in Pakistan. The theme to unite will be mutual help. People from various walks of life will sit together and offer their services for the welfare of their fellow brethren, free of cost. It will fasten them in a strong bond of love. This bond will be developed in a formal organization to serve the humanity in the areas of Education, Health and Micro Financing; the organizations will fight against all kinds of social exploitation and oppressions. The golden principle of starting the charity from home will be followed by all organizations.

✓ To remove curse of ignorance by establishing quality educational institutions especially in deprived areas. The education will be free of cost and accessible to all.
✓ To establish Health institutions (Dispensaries, Hospitals, Clinics and ambulances). Quality services will be provided here.
✓ To extend financial help to the most needy, to be decided by the local organization on purely merit basis.
✓ To persuade the educated personnel ( Doctors, Engineers, Lawyers, Teachers, Professors, Bureaucracy, Business men and others) to help the needy brethren in their area of jurisdiction.
✓ To provide free legal aid to the poor and needy by establishing Rehmani legal forums at district level.
✓ To protect the environment by raising the awareness level of masses.